Nubra Valley

We are revisiting the wonderful Nubra valley region of Ladakh.

After a uneventful ride over the 5635m Khardumgla pass we opted to ride down one arm of the river Shyok that flows past Sumoor village towards Panamic where foreign tourists are restricted from continuing and cannot normally go much past Panamic where there is a large Indian army presence.

S and H view map

We had not planned where we were heading in advance, partly because of our recent experience in the disruption caused by unseasonal weather and mainly as we just wanted to see what would unfold. The message was clearly received, let go of detailed planning and we were here with a different reason in mind other than simply touring as we have all visited Nubra valley before.

Our intention was to be in a quiet place for meditation and retreat and we were so lucky to happen upon this beautiful homestay. 

Homestay garden aples
Homestay garden view
Homestay garden apples

It is part of the specialness of Ladakh that the people grow vegatables interspersed with flowers which is both beautiful and better for the veggies which benefit from the increased number of pollinating insects. Companion planting flowers and vegetables in the same beds is a strategy professional growers use to boost yields and keep crops healthy.

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