Buddha Statue in rock

Close to the village of Mulbekh there is a large Maitreya Buddha or Buddha-to-come on the roadside traveling between Leh and Kargil. It is directly on the roadside. Called the Chamba statue some people believe it dates to the Kushan period in the early centuries CE.
Nearby are some ancient inscriptions written in Kharosthi script. There is also an edict issued to the local people to discontinue sacrificing goats by King Lde, who ruled western Ladakh c. 1400 CE, while his younger brother, Dragspa, ruled the rest.
Every year at least once or twice in each village the heart was torn out of a living goat in front of an altar.
The King Lde had the following inscription carved:
.Oh Lama (Tsongkapa [1378-1441 CE]), take notice of this! The king of faith, Bum lde, having seen the fruits of works in the future life, gives orders to the men of Mulbe to abolish, above all, the living sacrifices, and greets the Lama. The living sacrifices are abolished.”
This seems to not have had the desired effect as beside the King Lde’s edict, on the same rock, is an inscription saying the order was too hard to be executed. “For what would the local deity say, if the goat were withheld from him?”