Being Inside in the time of Lockdown
Being inside and social isolating.

In 1996 I started a long silent retreat. It was to be the most valuable gift that I have ever given to myself.
It certainly was not an easy undertaking, however, I learned to go inside, to let go and be willing to face whatever came up on that inner journey.
Right now across the world we are being offered that gift. A gift of time with ourselves.
The outer and the inner journeys have similarities. They are utterly personal and individual, and somehow there are common signposts along the way.
When I look at why I love to ride it comes down to one thing; I love being in the moment.
Riding in the Himalayan mountains brings me into the moment!
When riding in the Himalayan mountains through the amazing visually stunning landscape I disappear into it.
There is no thinking mind.
There is a constant awareness of the ever changing road, both in navigating obstacles, high passes and the changing weather. This is an edge that I can explore, that I can even relax into.
A real awareness of this moment, without thought.
Mind is there, I respond, make adjustments, process visual, aural and sensory information. And there is a feeling of connectedness,
to the road,
the mountains,
to life!
It may sound strange but I know that fear does not exist when I am in the moment. Fear needs me to be in my mind, in the imagined future or remembered past.
In the now I am not in the thinking mind. There is no past, no future, only NOW.
With the Lockdown this same opportunity arises.
We have a choice in every moment where to put our attention. As we navigate this rapidly changing world there is an opportunity to go deeper into ourselves. This is the most intimate we can ever be. Once you know the way, the way is easy.
I am sure that you have heard the saying “Chopping wood, carrying water.”
After tasting the moment an opportunity arises to bring awareness into every situation, ordinary or extraordinary!
That is to go inside, to dive deep into the now, into this moment.
Chop wood, carry water while being luminously present to this very moment.